Ms Dianna Yach
Dianna chairs the Mauerberger Foundation Fund (MFF), an NPO founded by her grandfather Morris Mauerberger in 1936. Working with community based and higher education institutions, the MFF supports social justice and social cohesion by strengthening ethical leadership in the arts and heritage, health, education, sustainable environment, and welfare.
Chinese law and investment in Africa: An overview
This eight-hour remote course, held over four days, is an essential resource to understand and navigate China's interests in Africa, and offers a short overview of Chinese business law and international investment policies.
Syndicated loan financing transactions
Discover the intricacies of syndicated loan financing transactions in this detailed six-hour course.
Force majeure clauses in contracts webinar
In this two-hour webinar we will explore terms force majeure, vis major and casus fortuitus and their uses in contracts.
The Cybercrimes Act: Standard operating procedures (SOP)
This remote short course will explore the Standard Operating Procedures for the investigation, search, access or seizure of articles under the Cybercrimes Act.
Government contracts and procurement law
Join us for a twenty-four-hour course, held over six days, in which we will cover the important aspects of public procurement, and explain the relevant procurement law and what has been achieved with regards to procurement policy, procedure
South African research chairs
The Department of Science and Innovation's South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) is managed by the National Research Foundation (NRF).
UCT Inaugural Lecture: Professor Rudzani Muloiwa
Professor Rudzani Muloiwa will deliver his Inaugural Lecture, titled "Human One, can these bones live? – Thirsting for the Well-being of the Afrikan Child in a World of Becoming” at 17:30 SAST on 25 July 2024.
Strengthening Common Understanding
International Director meeting with ministers to strengthen common understanding at UCT.
Colombian Ambassador visits UCT
Her Excellency Ms Maria del Rosario Mina-Rojas,Ambassador of Colombia & Mr Enrique Jaramillo, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Colombia visit UCT.