Dom error example
Sed hendrerit. Ut varius tincidunt libero. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. Vivamus laoreet.
Robert Dower is one of three executive directors of Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropies, responsible for the management of a global foundation, which owns a controlling stake in three asset management businesses and devotes the entire economic benefit of this ownership exclusively to philanthropy.
Dianna Yach is a proud UCT alumna, passionately committed to equality, human rights and social justice. After graduating from UCT, she was admitted to the SA High Court as an advocate. She is an accredited mediator and fellow of the Chartered Institute of People Development (UK).